Had Office Sicknick been vaccinated since they became available in December 2020? We didn’t know to watch for strokes but we do now? 42 is young to have a stroke.

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More: On March 2 (or 3) FBI director Chris Wray testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, an oversight hearing, and was asked what Sicknick's cause of death was. He refused to answer. He was then asked if he knew what he cause of death was. He refused to answer.

You can confirm this on c-span archives which broadcast the hearing, the first appearance before the committee since Jan 6, 2021.

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What explains the media report I read that Sicknick's brother said he talked to his brother that night, that sicknick called him from his office...said he was OK.

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What if he was hit on purpose with one of those direct energy weapons and the police were told to stand down on any help? This may be a pre-planned incident to then blame on the "insurrectionists" with a fire extinguisher.

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Someone has to have video or witnessed what happened and why didn’t capital police not get this officer to the hospital. All they had to do was call for an ambulance and get him transferred to the hospital. It they had he would very likely be alive today. Hopefully his family will see this and do something about this. The FBI INSTIGATED THIS WHOLE THING ALONG WITH ANTIFA DRESSED AS MAGA MEMBERS WHICH THEY WERE NOT.

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The truth about these deaths has to come out. It was a Fedsurrection and the govt was completely at fault and reckless

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Excellent reporting. If only more of these stories emerge. In a few years we hopefully can piece together the facts of an exceedingly difficult event. At the moment many seem intimidated by the effort to make an example of citizens who only wanted their grievances heard.

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I highly doubt that Americans will ever hear the Truth. It will be swept under the rug like everything else that the DemonRats have covered up.

Thank you Tayler for shedding some light on this subject, because most people are Too Damn Scared of retaliation by the DemonRats including a few R.I.N.O.s that were in on the 1/6/21 Bullshit.

P.S. I am new on Substack. I just watched I believe it was Thursday's episode of "You Are Here" which had you, and I think the other guy's name is Aldo. There's nothing on their page about him, so I guess he really is a ghost. Anyways, I'm glad to finally check out Substack even though it is strange that I signed up with no password.

Who the Hell knows? I'll figure it out.

Take care Bruthaman, and I'll check out your other Shit on Twatter, BooTube, etc.



It needs some serious help, but it is still....



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Are there official police statements on each of these cases? Would be interesting to see "official version" of events.

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Do you have documents signed by witnesses for their statements? I 100% believe every word you wrote in this article but in order to successfully use your article in a debate as to what really happened with Mr. Sicknick on J6 the only way it will be taken seriously is if there's proof these eyewitness statements are in fact true.

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