Any clue how that gallows, er art, happened to get there? It seems such a strange set piece. There has to be a story to go along with it's presence.
J6 was quite an event and I do hope that we can learn how it happened. There are too many conjunctive activities that played into each other. I sense the purpose was to ensure the debate about the election was not going to happen and it didn't. I can't excuse the people who got so angry at the effort to remove them but they were clearly overcome by emotion. Anyone who understands group dynamics as Antifa clearly does can manipulate people to respond. But Antifa actually trains the techniques which were developed by others. We await the real investigation, perhaps in 2025.
Seems like the new J6 Committee should be able to call in the FBI that just happened to be standing around and decided to haul it off. Plus not just anyone can haul ART into these places! There had to be paperwork. And When was this ART placed here? Did the FBI just happen to also have a Truck on Standby?
Nancy Pelosi says on her film later in the day. "I have been waiting for this; for Trespassing on Capitol Grounds". How long had she been waiting? Since March 2010 when the TeaParty protestors came to stop Obamacare. She wanted them arrested by they broke no laws! This time she was ready. Nancy Pelosi should be charged with Gross Negligence for failing to provide National Guard with proper fencing and signage. Resulting in the death of at least 8, Untold misery of others and National Disgrace!
! B'H Thank you so much - fantastic journalism - Your missing one major point - Historical truth will always be truth - B'H DISCUSSION NOW ? B'H It is time to talk about the speech ? World opinion of a lye ?
! B'H Thank you so much - fantastic journalism - Your missing one major point - Historical truth will always be truth - B'H DISCUSSION NOW ? B'H It is time to talk about the speech ? World opinion of a lye ?
. B'H Thank you so much - fantastic journalism - Your missing one major point - Historical truth will always be truth - B'H DISCUSSION NOW ? B'H It is time to talk about the speech ? World opinion of a lye ?
Mike, you are living in an altered reality that has been created by the Internationally owned anti-American and Pro-Globalist Mass Media, in conjunction with Big Tech. Now go put on your Mask, the Monkey Pox is coming! You'll make Klaus Schwab proud.
We don't know if the propaganda around Jan 6 has changed any minds because everyone is afraid to talk about it. That's what tyranny looks like.
Any clue how that gallows, er art, happened to get there? It seems such a strange set piece. There has to be a story to go along with it's presence.
J6 was quite an event and I do hope that we can learn how it happened. There are too many conjunctive activities that played into each other. I sense the purpose was to ensure the debate about the election was not going to happen and it didn't. I can't excuse the people who got so angry at the effort to remove them but they were clearly overcome by emotion. Anyone who understands group dynamics as Antifa clearly does can manipulate people to respond. But Antifa actually trains the techniques which were developed by others. We await the real investigation, perhaps in 2025.
All violence was conducted by FBI plants and Pelosi’s stooges
Seems like the new J6 Committee should be able to call in the FBI that just happened to be standing around and decided to haul it off. Plus not just anyone can haul ART into these places! There had to be paperwork. And When was this ART placed here? Did the FBI just happen to also have a Truck on Standby?
Every thing that goes on regarding the Capitol Grounds has to have a permit. That would include Art. Foia applications for Capitol Grounds?
Nancy Pelosi says on her film later in the day. "I have been waiting for this; for Trespassing on Capitol Grounds". How long had she been waiting? Since March 2010 when the TeaParty protestors came to stop Obamacare. She wanted them arrested by they broke no laws! This time she was ready. Nancy Pelosi should be charged with Gross Negligence for failing to provide National Guard with proper fencing and signage. Resulting in the death of at least 8, Untold misery of others and National Disgrace!
! B'H Thank you so much - fantastic journalism - Your missing one major point - Historical truth will always be truth - B'H DISCUSSION NOW ? B'H It is time to talk about the speech ? World opinion of a lye ?
Art, you mean like stage craft? LoL Like a Film Cast and Crew use for a movie set?
This little Art Project may just be the key that will bring the J6 Committee and entire Hoax down. Thanks!! Seems it made national news today!
Likely the terrorist standing next to it chanting “hang Mike Pence”.
We know what it is and because they put an ‘art project’ sign on it doesn’t mean shit.
! B'H Thank you so much - fantastic journalism - Your missing one major point - Historical truth will always be truth - B'H DISCUSSION NOW ? B'H It is time to talk about the speech ? World opinion of a lye ?
. B'H Thank you so much - fantastic journalism - Your missing one major point - Historical truth will always be truth - B'H DISCUSSION NOW ? B'H It is time to talk about the speech ? World opinion of a lye ?
And your art is awful, Tayler.
You all need to get a grip on reality. TH has gone down the rabbit hole made a uturn and is now in complete fantasy land.
You’re retarded. Disprove anything I’ve reported on, I dare you! ❤️
Mike, you are living in an altered reality that has been created by the Internationally owned anti-American and Pro-Globalist Mass Media, in conjunction with Big Tech. Now go put on your Mask, the Monkey Pox is coming! You'll make Klaus Schwab proud.